Reperti - Reggiane fighters

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What remains today of Reggiane aircraft ?

- MM.8281
- MM.8285
- 2340
- MM.8071
- 1 near Tavolara island
- 1 near Malta
- MM.8669
- MM.8700
- 1 near Corfu
- relics near Capo Ognina
- MM.23881
- MM.24499
- 1 Fiat A74Rc38
- 1 Fiat A74Rc38
- 1 Fiat A74Rc38
Parts- Wing sections
- ID plates
- Heja engine cowling
- Heja engine support
- Heja wing panel
- Heja stabilizer
- RE2000 stabilizer
- Heja seat
- J.20 seat
- J.20 tail section
- Heja ID plate
- Wing terminal plate
- Alfa Romeo propeller
- Fuselage section
- Gas handle
- Cabin panel
- Flight stick
- MM.7209 central fuselage at Malta aviation museum
- Flight stick- Tail section

- Ca.5: wing secrions, Federighi Collection

- Ca.5 identification plates

RE 2000: 2340, Linkoeping (S)

RE 2000 MM.8281, naval from  Portovenere, italian Air Force museum, Vigna di Valle

RE 2000: MM.8285, Trento, fuselage+central wing section (from the website preserved axis aircraft)
RE 2001:  MM.8071, San Damiano air base (PC), ITAF

- RE 2001, Tavolara island, source: youtube channel "Under mediterranean"

- RE2001 MM.7209 central fuselage section, Malta aviation museum

- RE.2001 underwater, near Malta
RE 2002: MM.8669, Vigna di Valle, ITAF Museum

RE 2002: MM.8700, Limoges (F), fuselage (from the website preserved axis aircraft)

RE 2002 near Corfu island (photo C. Simatis)

RE 2002 Ognina Cape, Sicily (photo Soprintenza del Mare)

RE 2005: Trento, aft-fuselage

SM79: MM.24499, Trento
SM79: MM.23881, libian desert


Fiat A.74RC38 Reggiane, Trento

Fiat A.74RC38 Reggiane, Macchi MC200, Air Force museum

- RE2000 - J20 tail section, Museum Ängelholms, Sweden (Photo courtesy of Mr. Ohlsson)

- RE2000 tail horizontal stabilizer, Federighi collection, Pisa (Italy)

- RE2000 hungarian, part of wing (courtesy and collection Mr. Denes Bernad)

- Héja horizontal tail stabilizer (courtesy of Mr. G. Punka)
- Héja engine cowling (courtesy of Mr. G. Punka)
- Héja plate (courtesy of Mr. G. Punka)

- J.20 seat, Jämtlands Flyg och Lotta Museum, Sweden, preserved axis aircraft
- RE 2001: Landing gear (Italian Air Force museum, Vigna di Valle)
- RE2001 Engine throttle and propeller pitch control (courtesy of Mr. Fontana)

- RE2001 Fuselage section (courtesy of Mr. Fontana)  

- RE2001 Cabin panel (courtesy of Mr. Fontana)
- RE2001: Alfa Romeo propeller (University of Bologna, Forlì)
- RE2002: flight control stick (courtesy of Mr. Melley)
- RE2000/1/2/3: wing edge (at GAVS Lombardia) - Photo: courtesy of Mt. Fontana

- RE 2005 (or RE 2002): Wheel (Riatti)
Reggiane aircraft used 600x254x170 wheels but in 07.43 it was requested to adopt 600x216x200, even for RE2006. A study was performed but there is no other information.

- RE2006: landing gear, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milano (currently not on display)
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