Reggiane fighters

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Reggiane fighters from a technical perspective...and more



This website was born from the years long research about Reggiane aircraft, through public and private archives. The focus was the technical part of those aircraft and led to the creation of the Reggiane Digital Archive. It hosts in digital format the documents found. The archive was then official given over at no cost to the university of Modena and Reggio Emilia and later it joined the Reggiane Archive, currently at the Polo Archivistico of Reggio Emilia.
The intention of this website is to share online with you the main information found, that can be useful to reaserchers and people interested in these topics, and it is contnuously updated.
Feel free to contact us, also with your support it can further grow.

New !! RE 2000 secrets explained ... and much more

Available at:
- Libreria del Teatro, via Crispi 6, Reggio Emilia (Italy)
- Online at Libreria Semola
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